Structural Integration #10

Structural Integration #10 The Tenth Hour is … what we’ve been working towards in Nine sessions. Integrating all hinges, all joints, all functions. To give that sense of… THE LINE

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Structural Integration #9

Structural Integration #9 The Ninth Hour is similar to the Eighth in following the same principles of organizing the upper joints and hinges into the spine.

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Structural Integration #8

Structural Integration #8 Transitioning from the end of the Core in #7 we come into the last Integration sessions. Eighth Hour is most often a lower body focused session. Combining even hours together to create the length in function we are...

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Structural Integration #7

Structural Integration #7

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Structural Integration #6

Structural Integration #6 Sixth Hour is the first Prone Postition in the series of Ten. Utilizing this position to address the Posterior chain of tissues. Deep hip rotators being the key here.

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Structural Integration #5

Structural Integration #5 In the Fifth Hour we address the upper section of the Core. Psoas and Rectus abdominus being the bridge that a balanced Lumbar Spine may orient through. The Fifth hour ties in with the Third hour via the...

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Structural Integration #4

Structural Integration #4 The Fourth Hour is considered the first Core session. Adductors being the key structure to affect the lower leg line and its orientation to ground and how it translates Gravity through the ground.

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Structural Integration #3

Structural Integration #3 A transition session. The third session marks the place where we move from superficial tissues to deep tissues. Preparing the Shoulder Girdle and Pelvic Girdle to organize with one another by relieving the tension and mechanical stress from the...

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Structural Integration #2

Stuctural Integration #2 The Lateral Arch of the feet and Fibula are key structures in session 2. Freeing these bones and tissues of the lower leg create a firm foundation. The back work in session #2 is a way in which we...

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Structural Integration #1

Structural Integration #1 Breath is the focus in the first session of the Ida Rolf Method Ten Series. Opening up the superficial fascia is a key structure in achieving this goal.

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