Rolfing® Structural Integration is a scientifically proven therapy which addresses the connective tissues of the body. aka Fascia and the nervous system in conjunction to produce life altering, physically changing and long lasting results that can be measured.

Rolfing® is performed in a clinical setting where the client is dressed in “viewing clothes”. For bodies with breast tissue this might mean a sports bra and short shorts. For male identifying clients stretchy bike shorts are ideal. Any person may dress in what they feel comfortable in. The more skin contact the better manual manipulation.

Rolfing® with The Posture Consultant is performed in a series of Ten Sessions during a period of two – four months for optimal change in structure and habit patterns. Each session consists of a ‘viewing’ process which allows the therapist to ‘see’ your structure. For approximately an hour the therapist manipulates the fascial tissue manually and engages the client in movements to ensure awareness throughout the session. Every session is unique and formatted to a specific area of the body.

Following the manual therapy the client is given Re-patterning movements to leave them with something to take home and practice. These exercises are key in providing long lasting changes.

We may not always think about how we stand, walk or sit. In the Rolfing model we re-teach the body how to function properly or improve functions for increased awareness and health.

Rolfing® was Created by Ida P. Rolf.

One of Graham’s teachers was Emmett Hutchins who was a first generation student and teacher of Rolfing® at the Guild for Structural Integration.

Graham at Emmett’s final Four Handed Workshop.